Source code for spylunking.wait_for_exit

import os
import time
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_DEBUG

[docs]def wait_for_exit( log, debug=False): """wait_for_exit Sleep to allow the thread to pick up final messages before exiting and stopping the Splunk HTTP publisher. You can decrease this delay (in seconds) by reducing the splunk_sleep_interval or by exporting the env var: export SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL=0.5 If you set the timer to 0 then it will be a blocking HTTP POST sent to Splunk for each log message. This creates a blocking logger in your application that will wait until each log's HTTP POST was received before continuing. Note: Reducing this Splunk sleep timer could result in losing messages that were stuck in the queue when the parent process exits. The multiprocessing Splunk Publisher was built to do this, but will not work in certain frameworks like Celery as it requires access to spawn daemon processes to prevent this 'message loss' case during exiting. Applications using this library should ensure there's no critical log messages stuck in a queue when stopping a long-running process. :param log: created logger :param debug: bool to debug with prints """ debug = SPLUNK_DEBUG for i in log.root.handlers: handler_class_name = i.__class__.__name__.lower() if debug: print((( ' - wait_for_exit handler={}').format( handler_class_name))) if ('splunkpublisher' == handler_class_name or 'mpsplunkpublisher' == handler_class_name): if hasattr(i, 'sleep_interval'): total_sleep = i.sleep_interval + 2.0 if os.getenv( 'PUBLISHER_EXIT_DELAY', False): total_sleep = float(os.getenv( 'PUBLISHER_EXIT_DELAY', total_sleep)) if debug: print((( ' - wait_for_exit ' 'handler={} wait={}s').format( handler_class_name, total_sleep))) time.sleep(total_sleep) if debug: print(( 'done waiting for exit')) return else: print((( ' - wait_for_exit handler={} has no' 'sleep_interval').format( handler_class_name)))
# if has a sleep_interval member variable # if one of the loggers requiring an exit sleep # end of finding logger handlers # end of wait_for_exit