Examples and Scripts

Environment Variables

Please use these environment variables to publish logs and run searches with a local or remote splunk server:

export SPLUNK_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8088"
export SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8089"
export SPLUNK_PASSWORD="123321"
export SPLUNK_USER="trex"
export SPLUNK_TOKEN="<Optional pre-existing Splunk token>"

Search Splunk with a Dictionary

The command line client sp is actually a copy of the search_splunk.py script. Note, this will likely change in the future, but for now this makes the docs easy to host on RTD.

A tool for searching splunk with python - spylunking


Please use these environment variables to publish logs and run searches with a local or remote splunk server:

export SPLUNK_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8088"
export SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8089"
export SPLUNK_PASSWORD="123321"
export SPLUNK_USER="trex"
export SPLUNK_TOKEN="<Optional pre-existing Splunk token>"
export SPLUNK_INDEX="<splunk index>"

Pull Logs with a Query on the Command Line

sp -q 'index="antinex" AND levelname=INFO | head 10 | reverse'         -u trex -p 123321 -a splunkenterprise:8089

Pull Logs with a Query on the Command Line


sp -q 'index="antinex" AND levelname="CRITICAL" | reverse'

Get First 10 ERROR logs

sp -q 'index="antinex" AND levelname="ERROR" | head 10 | reverse'         -u trex -p 123321 -a splunkenterprise:8089

Search Splunk

Publish Logs to Splunk

Publish functional testing logs to splunk using the logger


Load Test Splunk

Splunk client load tester for determining how many messages can this client send over splunk. By default, this tester sends a batch of 1000 messages and then sleeps to let the client catch up.

Splunk client load tester for determining how many messages can this client send over splunk. By default, this tester sends a batch of messages and then sleeps to let the client catch up.


Get a Splunk User Token

Get a Splunk User Token


Get Splunk Service Token (Session Key)

A tool for getting splunk service tokens


Get Splunk Service Token

Splunk Functional Test Publisher

spylunking.scripts.test_publish_to_splunk.format_record(msg, token=None)[source]
Parameters:token – existing splunk token
spylunking.scripts.test_publish_to_splunk.run_main(token=None, address=None)[source]

Publish logs to Splunk over a TCP data input with the sourcetype set to _json

  • token – splunk token to use
  • address – splunk TCP endpoint address <fqdn:port>