Source code for spylunking.log.setup_logging


Splunk-ready python logging functions, classes and tools

Please use these environment variables to publish logs and run searches
with a local or remote splunk server:


    export SPLUNK_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8088"
    export SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS="splunkenterprise:8089"
    export SPLUNK_PASSWORD="123321"
    export SPLUNK_USER="trex"
    export SPLUNK_TOKEN="<Optional pre-existing Splunk token>"

Splunk drill down fields with environment variables:


    export LOG_NAME="<application log name>"
    export DEPLOY_CONFIG="<application deployed config like k8 filename>"
    export ENV_NAME="<environment name for this application>"

Splunk optional tuning environment variables:


    export SPLUNK_INDEX="<splunk index>"
    export SPLUNK_SOURCE="<splunk source>"
    export SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE="<splunk sourcetype>"
    export SPLUNK_VERIFY="<verify certs on HTTP POST>"
    export SPLUNK_TIMEOUT="<timeout in seconds>"
    export SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE="<num msgs allowed in queue - 0=infinite>"
    export SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL="<sleep in seconds per batch>"
    export SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT="<attempts per log to retry publishing>"
    export SPLUNK_RETRY_BACKOFF="<cooldown in seconds per failed POST>"
    export SPLUNK_DEBUG="<debug the publisher - 1 enable debug|0 off>"
    export SPLUNK_VERBOSE="<debug the sp command line tool - 1 enable|0 off>"

Change the absolute path to the logging config JSON file:


    export SHARED_LOG_CFG=<absolute path to logging config JSON file>


import os
import datetime
import json
import logging.config
import spylunking.get_token as get_token
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger
from spylunking.ppj import ppj
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_USER
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_PASSWORD
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_HOST
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_PORT
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_TOKEN
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_INDEX
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_VERIFY
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_ADDRESS
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_TIMEOUT
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_DEBUG
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_LOG_NAME
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_DEPLOY_CONFIG
from spylunking.consts import SPLUNK_ENV_NAME
from spylunking.consts import LOG_HANDLER_NAME

[docs]class SplunkFormatter(jsonlogger.JsonFormatter): """SplunkFormatter""" fields_to_add = {} org_fields = {}
[docs] def set_fields( self, new_fields): """set_fields Change the fields that will be added in on a log :param new_fields: new fields to patch in """ self.org_fields = {} self.fields_to_add = {} for k in new_fields: self.org_fields[k] = new_fields[k] self.fields_to_add[k] = new_fields[k]
# end of set_fields
[docs] def get_current_fields( self): """get_current_fields""" return self.fields_to_add
# end of get_current_fields
[docs] def updated_current_fields( self, update_fields): """updated_current_fields :param update_fields: dict with values for updating fields_to_add """ self.fields_to_add = {} for k in self.org_fields: self.fields_to_add[k] = self.org_fields[k] self.fields_to_add.update(update_fields)
# end of updated_current_fields
[docs] def add_fields( self, log_record, record, message_dict): """add_fields :param log_record: log record :param record: log message :param message_dict: message dict """ super( SplunkFormatter, self).add_fields( log_record, record, message_dict) if not log_record.get('timestamp'): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') log_record['timestamp'] = now
# end of add_fields
[docs] def format( self, record, datefmt='%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S.%f'): """format :param record: message object to format """ now = utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() asctime = None if self.datefmt: asctime = now.strftime( self.datefmt) else: asctime = now.strftime( datefmt) message = { 'time': record.created, 'timestamp': utc_now.strftime( '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'), 'asctime': asctime, 'path': record.pathname, 'message': record.getMessage(), 'exc': None, 'logger_name': } if record.exc_info and not message.get('exc'): message['exc'] = self.formatException( record.exc_info) if not message.get( 'exc') and record.exc_text: message['exc'] = record.exc_text log_record = {} try: log_record = OrderedDict() except NameError: log_record = {} # end of try/ex message.update( self.fields_to_add) self.add_fields( log_record, record, message) use_log_record = self.process_log_record( log_record) return '{}{}'.format( self.prefix, self.jsonify_log_record( use_log_record))
# end of format # end of SplunkFormatter
[docs]def setup_logging( default_level=logging.INFO, default_path=None, env_key='LOG_CFG', handler_name='console', handlers_dict=None, log_dict=None, config_name=None, splunk_host=None, splunk_port=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_verify=False, splunk_handler_name='splunk', splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_debug=False): """setup_logging Setup logging configuration :param default_level: level to log :param default_path: path to config (optional) :param env_key: path to config in this env var :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param log_dict: full log dictionary config :param config_name: filename for config :param splunk_host: optional splunk host :param splunk_port: optional splunk port :param splunk_index: optional splunk index :param splunk_token: optional splunk token :param splunk_verify: optional splunk verify - default to False :param splunk_handler_name: optional splunk handler name :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_debug: optional splunk debug - default to False """ if SPLUNK_DEBUG: splunk_debug = True if not splunk_token: if SPLUNK_TOKEN: splunk_token = splunk_token config = None if os.getenv( 'LOG_DICT', False): try: config = json.loads(os.getenv( 'LOG_DICT', None).strip()) except Exception as e: print(( 'Please confirm the env key LOG_DICT has a valid ' 'JSON dictionary. Failed json.loads() parsing with ' '- using default config for ' 'ex={}').format( e)) # try to parse the dict and log it that there was a failure elif log_dict: config = config # end of if passed in set in an environment variable if not config and default_path: path = default_path file_name = default_path.split('/')[-1] if config_name: file_name = config_name path = '{}/{}'.format( '/'.join(default_path.split('/')[:-1]), file_name) value = os.getenv(env_key, None) if value: path = value if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) else: cwd_path = os.getcwd() + '/spylunking/log/{}'.format( file_name) if os.path.exists(cwd_path): with open(cwd_path, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) else: rels_path = os.getcwd() + '/../log/{}'.format( file_name) if os.path.exists(rels_path): with open(rels_path, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) else: repo_config = ( '/opt/spylunking/spylunking/log/' 'shared-logging.json') if os.path.exists(repo_config): if splunk_debug: print(( 'checking repo_config={}'.format( repo_config))) with open(repo_config, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) # end of finding a config dictionary # end of trying to find a config on disk if config: if handlers_dict: config['handlers'] = handlers_dict found_splunk_handler = False if handler_name: for hidx, h in enumerate(config['handlers']): if splunk_debug: print(('handler={} name={}'.format( hidx, h))) if handler_name == h: config['root']['handlers'].append(h) # by default splunk_handler_name == 'splunk' if splunk_handler_name == h and splunk_token: found_splunk_handler = True if found_splunk_handler: if splunk_token: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['token'] = \ splunk_token config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['verify'] = \ splunk_verify if splunk_host: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['host'] = \ splunk_host if splunk_port: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['port'] = \ splunk_port if splunk_index: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['index'] = \ splunk_index config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name]['debug'] = \ splunk_debug if config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name].get( 'queue_size', True): key = 'queue_size' config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name][key] = \ SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE # end of checking for queue_size changes if SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT: key = 'retry_count' config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name][key] = \ SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT # end of checking for retry_count changes if SPLUNK_TIMEOUT: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name][key] = \ SPLUNK_TIMEOUT # end of checking for splunk_timeout changes key = 'sleep_interval' if splunk_sleep_interval >= 0: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name][key] = \ splunk_sleep_interval else: if SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL: key = 'sleep_interval' config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name][key] = \ SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL # end of checking for sleep_interval changes if found_splunk_handler: config['root']['handlers'].append( splunk_handler_name) else: if splunk_debug: print( 'Unable to get a valid splunk token ' '- splunk disabled') config['handlers'].pop('splunk', None) good_handlers = [] for k in config['root']['handlers']: if k != splunk_handler_name: good_handlers.append(k) config['root']['handlers'] = good_handlers else: if splunk_debug: print( 'splunk disabled') config['handlers'].pop(splunk_handler_name, None) good_handlers = [] for k in config['root']['handlers']: if k != splunk_handler_name: good_handlers.append(k) config['root']['handlers'] = good_handlers if len(config['root']['handlers']) == 0: print((( 'Failed to find logging root.handlers={} in log ' 'config={}').format( config['root']['handlers'], ppj(config)))) else: if splunk_debug: print((( 'Using log config={}').format( ppj(config)))) logging.config.dictConfig( config) return else: if not splunk_host and not splunk_port: if SPLUNK_ADDRESS: try: addr_split = SPLUNK_ADDRESS.split(':') if len(addr_split) > 1: splunk_host = addr_split[0] splunk_port = int(addr_split[1]) except Exception as e: print((( 'Failed building SPLUNK_ADDRESS={} as' 'host:port with ex={}').format( SPLUNK_ADDRESS, e))) else: if not splunk_host: if SPLUNK_HOST: splunk_host = SPLUNK_HOST if not splunk_port: if SPLUNK_PORT: splunk_port = SPLUNK_PORT # end of connectivity changes from env vars config = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'colors': { '()': 'colorlog.ColoredFormatter', 'format': ( '%(log_color)s%(asctime)s - %(name)s - ' '%(levelname)s - %(message)s%(reset)s') }, 'no_date_colors': { '()': 'colorlog.ColoredFormatter', 'format': ( '%(log_color)s%(name)s - %(levelname)s ' '- %(message)s%(reset)s') }, 'simple': { '()': 'colorlog.ColoredFormatter', 'format': ( '%(log_color)s' '%(message)s%(reset)s') }, splunk_handler_name: { '()': 'spylunking.log.setup_logging.SplunkFormatter', 'format': ( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s ' '- %(message)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s]') } }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'INFO', 'formatter': 'colors', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout' }, 'no_date_colors': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'INFO', 'formatter': 'no_date_colors', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout' }, 'simple': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'INFO', 'formatter': 'simple', 'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout' } }, 'loggers': { '': { 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': True } }, 'root': { 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': True, 'handlers': [ 'console' ] } } if splunk_token and splunk_host and splunk_port: config['handlers'][splunk_handler_name] = { 'class': ( 'spylunking.splunk_publisher.SplunkPublisher'), 'host': splunk_host, 'port': splunk_port, 'index': SPLUNK_INDEX, 'token': splunk_token, 'formatter': splunk_handler_name, 'sourcetype': SPLUNK_SOURCETYPE, 'verify': SPLUNK_VERIFY, 'timeout': SPLUNK_TIMEOUT, 'retry_count': SPLUNK_RETRY_COUNT, 'sleep_interval': SPLUNK_SLEEP_INTERVAL, 'queue_size': SPLUNK_QUEUE_SIZE, 'debug': SPLUNK_DEBUG } config['root']['handlers'].append(splunk_handler_name) # only add splunk if the token is set for HEC logging.config.dictConfig(config) return
# end of if valid config dict or not # end of setup_logging
[docs]def build_colorized_logger( name='lg', config='shared-logging.json', log_level=logging.INFO, log_config_path=None, handler_name='console', handlers_dict=None, enable_splunk=True, splunk_user=None, splunk_password=None, splunk_address=None, splunk_api_address=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_handler_name='splunk', splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_verify=None, splunk_debug=False): """build_colorized_logger Build a colorized logger using function arguments and environment variables. :param name: name that shows in the logger :param config: name of the config file :param log_level: level to log :param log_config_path: path to log config file :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param enable_splunk: Turn off splunk even if the env keys are set True by default - all processes that have the ``SPLUNK_*`` env keys will publish logs to splunk :param splunk_user: splunk username - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_USER :param splunk_password: splunk password - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_PASSWORD :param splunk_address: splunk address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_ADDRESS which is localhost:8088 :param splunk_api_address: splunk api address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS which is localhost:8089 :param splunk_index: splunk index - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_INDEX :param splunk_token: splunk token - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_TOKEN :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_verify: splunk verify - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_VERIFY=<1|0> :param splunk_debug: print out the connection attempt for debugging Please Avoid on production... """ use_log_config_path = '{}/{}'.format( os.getenv( 'LOG_CFG', os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), config) use_splunk_user = SPLUNK_USER use_splunk_password = SPLUNK_PASSWORD use_splunk_address = SPLUNK_ADDRESS use_splunk_api_address = SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS use_splunk_token = SPLUNK_TOKEN use_splunk_index = SPLUNK_INDEX use_splunk_verify = SPLUNK_VERIFY use_splunk_debug = SPLUNK_DEBUG use_splunk_handler_name = SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME use_handler_name = LOG_HANDLER_NAME use_handlers_dict = None use_splunk_host = None use_splunk_port = None if log_config_path: use_log_config_path = log_config_path if handler_name: use_handler_name = handler_name if handlers_dict: use_handlers_dict = handlers_dict if splunk_user: use_splunk_user = splunk_user if splunk_password: use_splunk_password = splunk_password if splunk_address: use_splunk_address = splunk_address if splunk_api_address: if 'https:' in splunk_api_address: use_splunk_api_address = splunk_api_address else: use_splunk_api_address = 'https://{}'.format( splunk_api_address) else: use_splunk_api_address = 'https://{}'.format( use_splunk_api_address) if splunk_index: use_splunk_index = splunk_index if splunk_token: use_splunk_token = splunk_token if splunk_handler_name: use_splunk_handler_name = splunk_handler_name if splunk_verify: use_splunk_verify = splunk_verify if splunk_debug: use_splunk_debug = splunk_debug override_config = os.getenv( 'SHARED_LOG_CFG', None) debug_log_config = bool(os.getenv( 'DEBUG_SHARED_LOG_CFG', '0') == '1') use_config = ( './log/{}').format( '{}'.format( config)) if override_config: if debug_log_config: print(( 'creating logger config env var: ' 'SHARED_LOG_CFG={}'.format( override_config))) use_config = override_config else: if debug_log_config: print(( 'Not using shared logging env var: ' 'SHARED_LOG_CFG={}'.format( override_config))) # allow a shared log config across all components if not os.path.exists(use_config): use_config = use_log_config_path if not os.path.exists(use_config): use_config = ('./spylunking/log/{}').format( config) if not os.path.exists(use_config): use_config = ('./spylunking/log/{}').format( 'shared-logging.json') # find the log processing try: use_splunk_host = use_splunk_address.split(':')[0] use_splunk_port = int(use_splunk_address.split(':')[1]) except Exception as e: print((( 'Failed parsing Splunk Address={} ' 'with ex={}').format( use_splunk_address, e))) use_splunk_host = None use_splunk_port = None # end of try/ex to parse splunk address if enable_splunk and ( use_splunk_user and use_splunk_password and use_splunk_address and use_splunk_api_address): try: if SPLUNK_TOKEN: use_splunk_token = SPLUNK_TOKEN else: use_splunk_token = get_token.get_token( user=use_splunk_user, password=use_splunk_password, url=use_splunk_api_address, verify=use_splunk_verify) if use_splunk_debug: print((( 'connected to splunk address={} user={} ' 'password={} token={}').format( use_splunk_address, use_splunk_user, use_splunk_password, use_splunk_token))) except Exception as e: print((( 'Failed connecting to splunk address={} user={} ' 'ex={}').format( use_splunk_api_address, splunk_user, e))) use_splunk_token = None # end of try/ex on splunk login # end of try to set the token to use if enable_splunk: if use_splunk_token and use_splunk_debug: print(('Using splunk address={} token={}'.format( use_splunk_address, use_splunk_token))) else: # turn off external keyword arguments (kwargs): use_splunk_host = None use_splunk_port = None use_splunk_index = None use_splunk_token = None setup_logging( default_level=log_level, default_path=use_config, handler_name=use_handler_name, handlers_dict=use_handlers_dict, splunk_host=use_splunk_host, splunk_port=use_splunk_port, splunk_index=use_splunk_index, splunk_token=use_splunk_token, splunk_handler_name=use_splunk_handler_name, splunk_sleep_interval=splunk_sleep_interval, splunk_verify=use_splunk_verify, splunk_debug=use_splunk_debug) if enable_splunk: default_fields = { 'name': SPLUNK_LOG_NAME, 'dc': SPLUNK_DEPLOY_CONFIG, 'env': SPLUNK_ENV_NAME } last_step = '' try: last_step = ( 'checking if LOG_FIELDS_DICT ' 'has valid JSON using json.loads({})').format( os.getenv( 'LOG_FIELDS_DICT', None)) if use_splunk_debug: print(last_step) if os.getenv( 'LOG_FIELDS_DICT', None): default_fields = json.loads( os.getenv( 'LOG_FIELDS_DICT', default_fields)) last_step = ( 'looking for splunk_handler={}').format( splunk_handler_name) if use_splunk_debug: print(last_step) for i in logging.root.handlers: handler_class_name = i.__class__.__name__.lower() last_step = ( 'checking splunk_handler_name={} ' 'in handler_name={} or ' 'hasattr({}.formatter, set_fields)').format( handler_class_name, splunk_handler_name, handler_class_name) if use_splunk_debug: print(last_step) if (splunk_handler_name in handler_class_name or hasattr(i.formatter, 'set_fields')): last_step = ( 'assigning fields={} to formatter={}').format( default_fields, i.formatter.__class__.__name__) if use_splunk_debug: print(last_step) i.formatter.set_fields( new_fields=default_fields) except Exception as e: print((( 'Failed assigning splunk_handler_name={} ' 'during last_step={} with ex={}').format( splunk_handler_name, last_step, e))) # end of try/ex for setting the formatter return logging.getLogger(name)
# end of build_colorized_logger
[docs]def console_logger( name='cl', config='shared-logging.json', log_level=logging.INFO, log_config_path=None, handler_name='console', handlers_dict=None, enable_splunk=False, splunk_user=None, splunk_password=None, splunk_address=None, splunk_api_address=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_handler_name=None, splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_verify=None, splunk_debug=False): """console_logger Build the full console logger :param name: name that shows in the logger :param config: name of the config file :param log_level: level to log :param log_config_path: path to log config file :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param enable_splunk: Turn off splunk even if the env keys are set False by default - all processes that have the ``SPLUNK_*`` env keys will publish logs to splunk :param splunk_user: splunk username - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_USER :param splunk_password: splunk password - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_PASSWORD :param splunk_address: splunk address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_ADDRESS which is localhost:8088 :param splunk_api_address: splunk api address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS which is localhost:8089 :param splunk_index: splunk index - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_INDEX :param splunk_token: splunk token - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_TOKEN :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_verify: splunk verify - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_VERIFY=<1|0> :param splunk_debug: print out the connection attempt for debugging Please Avoid on production... """ return build_colorized_logger( name=name, config=config, log_level=log_level, log_config_path=log_config_path, handler_name=handler_name, handlers_dict=handlers_dict, enable_splunk=enable_splunk, splunk_user=splunk_user, splunk_password=splunk_password, splunk_address=splunk_address, splunk_api_address=splunk_api_address, splunk_index=splunk_index, splunk_token=splunk_token, splunk_handler_name=splunk_handler_name, splunk_sleep_interval=splunk_sleep_interval, splunk_verify=splunk_verify, splunk_debug=splunk_debug)
# end of console_logger
[docs]def no_date_colors_logger( name='nd', config='shared-logging.json', log_level=logging.INFO, log_config_path=None, handler_name='no_date_colors', handlers_dict=None, enable_splunk=False, splunk_user=None, splunk_password=None, splunk_address=None, splunk_api_address=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_handler_name=None, splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_verify=None, splunk_debug=False): """no_date_colors_logger Build a colorized logger without dates :param name: name that shows in the logger :param config: name of the config file :param log_level: level to log :param log_config_path: path to log config file :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param enable_splunk: Turn off splunk even if the env keys are set False by default - all processes that have the ``SPLUNK_*`` env keys will publish logs to splunk :param splunk_user: splunk username - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_USER :param splunk_password: splunk password - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_PASSWORD :param splunk_address: splunk address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_ADDRESS which is localhost:8088 :param splunk_api_address: splunk api address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS which is localhost:8089 :param splunk_index: splunk index - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_INDEX :param splunk_token: splunk token - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_TOKEN :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_verify: splunk verify - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_VERIFY=<1|0> :param splunk_debug: print out the connection attempt for debugging Please Avoid on production... """ return build_colorized_logger( name=name, config=config, log_level=log_level, log_config_path=log_config_path, handler_name=handler_name, handlers_dict=handlers_dict, enable_splunk=enable_splunk, splunk_user=splunk_user, splunk_password=splunk_password, splunk_address=splunk_address, splunk_api_address=splunk_api_address, splunk_index=splunk_index, splunk_token=splunk_token, splunk_handler_name=splunk_handler_name, splunk_sleep_interval=splunk_sleep_interval, splunk_verify=splunk_verify, splunk_debug=splunk_debug)
# end of no_date_colors_logger
[docs]def simple_logger( name='', config='shared-logging.json', log_level=logging.INFO, log_config_path=None, handler_name='simple', handlers_dict=None, enable_splunk=False, splunk_user=None, splunk_password=None, splunk_address=None, splunk_api_address=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_handler_name=None, splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_verify=None, splunk_debug=False): """simple_logger Build a colorized logger for just the message - Used by command line tools. :param name: name that shows in the logger :param config: name of the config file :param log_level: level to log :param log_config_path: path to log config file :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param enable_splunk: Turn off splunk even if the env keys are set False by default - all processes that have the ``SPLUNK_*`` env keys will publish logs to splunk :param splunk_user: splunk username - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_USER :param splunk_password: splunk password - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_PASSWORD :param splunk_address: splunk address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_ADDRESS which is localhost:8088 :param splunk_api_address: splunk api address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS which is localhost:8089 :param splunk_index: splunk index - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_INDEX :param splunk_token: splunk token - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_TOKEN :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_verify: splunk verify - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_VERIFY=<1|0> :param splunk_debug: print out the connection attempt for debugging Please Avoid on production... """ return build_colorized_logger( name=name, config=config, log_level=log_level, log_config_path=log_config_path, handler_name=handler_name, handlers_dict=handlers_dict, enable_splunk=enable_splunk, splunk_user=splunk_user, splunk_password=splunk_password, splunk_address=splunk_address, splunk_api_address=splunk_api_address, splunk_index=splunk_index, splunk_token=splunk_token, splunk_handler_name=splunk_handler_name, splunk_sleep_interval=splunk_sleep_interval, splunk_verify=splunk_verify, splunk_debug=splunk_debug)
# end of simple_logger def test_logger( name='test', config='shared-logging.json', log_level=logging.INFO, log_config_path=None, handler_name='console', handlers_dict=None, enable_splunk=False, splunk_user=None, splunk_password=None, splunk_address=None, splunk_api_address=None, splunk_index=None, splunk_token=None, splunk_handler_name=None, splunk_sleep_interval=-1, splunk_verify=None, splunk_debug=False): """test_logger Build the test logger :param name: name that shows in the logger :param config: name of the config file :param log_level: level to log :param log_config_path: path to log config file :param handler_name: handler name in the config :param handlers_dict: handlers dict :param enable_splunk: Turn off splunk even if the env keys are set False by default - all processes that have the ``SPLUNK_*`` env keys will publish logs to splunk :param splunk_user: splunk username - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_USER :param splunk_password: splunk password - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_PASSWORD :param splunk_address: splunk address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_ADDRESS which is localhost:8088 :param splunk_api_address: splunk api address - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_API_ADDRESS which is localhost:8089 :param splunk_index: splunk index - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_INDEX :param splunk_token: splunk token - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_TOKEN :param splunk_handler_name: splunk log config handler name - defaults to : SPLUNK_HANDLER_NAME :param splunk_sleep_interval: optional splunk sleep interval :param splunk_verify: splunk verify - defaults to environment variable: SPLUNK_VERIFY=<1|0> :param splunk_debug: print out the connection attempt for debugging Please Avoid on production... """ return build_colorized_logger( name=name, config=config, log_level=log_level, log_config_path=log_config_path, handler_name=handler_name, handlers_dict=handlers_dict, enable_splunk=enable_splunk, splunk_user=splunk_user, splunk_password=splunk_password, splunk_address=splunk_address, splunk_api_address=splunk_api_address, splunk_index=splunk_index, splunk_token=splunk_token, splunk_handler_name=splunk_handler_name, splunk_sleep_interval=splunk_sleep_interval, splunk_verify=splunk_verify, splunk_debug=splunk_debug) # end of test_logger