Source code for spylunking.get_session_key

Get a Splunk User Session Key - for running searches

import requests
import urllib3
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

[docs]def get_session_key( user, password, url='https://localhost:8089', verify=False, ssl_options=None): """get_session_key This will get a user session key and throw for any errors :param user: username :param password: password :param url: splunk auth url :param verify: verify cert :param ssl_options: ssl options dictionary """ servercontent = '{}/services/auth/login'.format( url), headers={}, verify=False, data={ 'username': user, 'password': password }) get_session_key = parseString( servercontent.text).getElementsByTagName( 'sessionKey')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue return get_session_key
# end of get_session_key